Karuthi | Kenya | Washed
Sweet & Tart
Karuthi is one of the mills belonging to the long-standing Othaya farmer's co-op, and this year it delivers a coffee with all the lovely acidity we expect in Kenyan, but a unique flavor profile. We taste tart cherry and cranberry along with big blood orange acidity.
Roast Level
Tasting Notes
Ripe Fruit
Berry Fruit
Country Of Origin
KenyaSub Region
WashedLike a big, welcoming meal, Feast Coffee & Culture is a celebration of coffee in all its variety. This craft-driven roaster was founded in 2016 when it was dreamt up around a table on Washington’s Bainbridge Island. Serving the community of Redding, California, Feast thrives on engaging with and cultivating local culture through popular food gatherings and welcoming conversation.
Redding, CA
Fun Fact
Feast was a finalist at the 2019 Specialty Coffee Association design lab for its illustrative packaging.
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About the Roaster
About the Roaster
Redding, CA