Ethiopia Decaf Guji Natural
Subtle & Delicate
Decafs made from super fruity African coffees aren't something you see every day, so we're really excited to offer this decaffeinated version of a naturally processed Ethiopian coffee from the Guji region. We taste lovely flavors of lemon and apricot with a little brown sugar as well.
Roast Level
Tasting Notes
Ripe Fruit
Brown Sugar
Country Of Origin
Swiss Water DecafElevation
1800 meters above sea levelMetric’s name derives from the unit of measurement found on a vintage German Probat roaster that founders Xavier Alexander and Darko Arandjelovic restored from dilapidation. That reverence for tradition and self-made attitude are pillars of the locally beloved Chicago roaster.
Chicago, IL
Fun Fact
By definition, Metric means "a system or standard of measurement," which this roaster applies to everything from the batches they roast to the coffee they brew.
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The decaf coffee collection
About the Roaster
About the Roaster
Chicago, IL