
Hellacious Espresso

Syrupy & Smooth

Medium Blends Espresso

Hellacious has plenty of the deep chocolate and brown sugar sweetness you expect from a specialty espresso blend, and it throws in a smidge of fun acidity to make those cappuccinos really sing.

Flavor Profile

Roast Level


Tasting Notes

Milk Chocolate


Sweet Vanilla


Country Of Origin

Mexico, Guatemala

Sub Region

Oaxaca & Huehuetenango


About the Roaster

As friends and coffee roasters, Kimberly and Sara shared both a love for coffee and concerns about the state of its supply chain. While it was easy to find women doing manual labor on farms and working as baristas they felt, when it came to positions of power, suddenly everything was male. They took matters into their own hands in 2021 and formed Sightseer which sources 100% from women producers.


Austin, TX

Fun Fact

There’s not really a rhyme or reason to the names of Sightseer’s coffees. It’s just that, it’ll make sense when you drink it.

Why Trade

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About the Roaster

Kimberly Zash & Sara Gibson

About the Roaster


Austin, TX

As friends and coffee roasters, Kimberly and Sara shared both a love for coffee and concerns about the state of its supply chain. While it was easy to find women doing manual labor on farms and working as baristas they felt, when it came to positions of power, suddenly everything was male. They took matters into their own hands in 2021 and formed Sightseer which sources 100% from women producers.
Fun Fact
There’s not really a rhyme or reason to the names of Sightseer’s coffees. It’s just that, it’ll make sense when you drink it.