Space Cowboy
Funky & Fruity
Blast off with this delightfully soft and fruity coffee sourced from Mrs. Tigest Wako's small farm in the famous Yirgacheffe region of Ethiopia.
Roast Level
Tasting Notes
Berry Fruit
Ripe Fruit
Milk Chocolate
Country Of Origin
EthiopiaSub Region
Natural/Dry ProcessedElevation
2040 - 2040 meters above sea levelAs friends and coffee roasters, Kimberly and Sara shared both a love for coffee and concerns about the state of its supply chain. While it was easy to find women doing manual labor on farms and working as baristas they felt, when it came to positions of power, suddenly everything was male. They took matters into their own hands in 2021 and formed Sightseer which sources 100% from women producers.
Austin, TX
Fun Fact
There’s not really a rhyme or reason to the names of Sightseer’s coffees. It’s just that, it’ll make sense when you drink it.
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The ethiopian coffee collection
About the Roaster
About the Roaster
Austin, TX